Evaluation & Reflection


4/2/20 - I am going to research 5 special and visual effects.

5/2/20 -10:25AM - In this lesson I completed my research for five visual effects. I learnt more detail about all the of the visual effect techniques and specifically found out about rotoscoping which is new to me.In the next lesson my plan is to finish the research for my five special effects, hopefully learning from this also!

6/2/20, 10:25am - In this lesson I completed my research for the special effects, learning lots about sfx on the way! I also made a start on my detailed analysis. 
In the next lesson I will be focusing heavily on the detailed analysis to help me work out what I want to do for my mini FMP. 

6/2/20,  2:30PM
This lesson I completed my research into Prosthetic Makeup and learn lots about the detailed ways in how people ensure that it is done.  I decided that it is probably not something that I would enjoy to do. It is also time consuming. Next lesson I will continue my research.

10/2/20, 9:00AM - This lesson I finished my detailed analysis of CGI. I learn that it is a lengthy and skillful process. It is probably not best suited for my mini FMP and I do not know if I would enjoy it.

Next lesson I will look into Rotoscoping.

10/2/20, 4:00PM - Today I started to develop an idea relating to some sort of portal/black hole for my final mini FMP. Tomorrow (next lesson) I will develop this idea more.

Wednesday 26th 9:58AM - Today I have been spending time trying to perfect how to create the portal. It is going well and I have not lost focus.

Monday 2nd March 9:10AM - Today I want to work with a different piece of software (Premiere Pro) in order to try and achieve the same effect, but using a green screen instead to see what is preferable.

Tuesday 3rd March 11:12AM - Today I have started to shoot my footage needed for my final mini FMP.

Thursday 5th March - I have completed my final video and will now work on ensuring my research page is complete.


This project involved the creation of either a visual or special effect in a twenty second clip. I decided to create a visual effect.

I believe that I did meet the requirements off the brief. I created a clip which is twenty two seconds containing a visual and a special effect. This fits the brief. I am happy with how the final video came out however it did not reach my standards I had hoped for, due to the quality of the footage.

I believe that the effect of an item going through the portal was pulled of very effectively and I think it fitted into the clip and gave out that comedy aspect. I am extremely happy with how it came out. 

The research process for me was not something I found myself enjoying, however I did not let myself procrastinate and got on with it. I categorized several sections of the research. I started by researching widely into some topics of sfx and vfx in hope that I would stumble across some inspiration for which effect I would do. I eventually did some more deeper research into these topics. When I finally had the idea of what I wanted to do I threw all of my time researching how I would go about doing it from watching videos on youtube and reading articles. Overall the method I found best for me to gather research was browsing the internet and taking notes, watching videos. I could not get much from books.

I believe that the effectiveness of my workflow was good, however I believe I could have improved to a lot. One major thing which I believe could have improved my workflow would have been the use of a checklist. This is because I have just been making mental notes of what to do rather than physically writing it down as I often forgot until the last minute causing me to not have to stick to my schedule.

This project was challenging. I believe that this was because it was my first real independent project in my education. I found it challenging not having support at times, however, I did enjoy the challenge and I know it will help me for my future.

I do not think I managed my time well in this project and think the use of a more detailed schedule could help with this in the future. I think this links to my workflow issues.

In this project it challenging due to being left alone. I found it challenging at points not being guided by anyone and just having to find out how to do everything myself. I believe that this was good that this happened as it has allowed me to find out the best ways for me to research and the best ways which I work alone. I have begun to understand how I should adapt how I work for future projects to be more efficient.

I am proud of what I created and I believe it does match what I originally set out to do. I am very happy with how the portal looks and the only thing I wish could have been better in the project was the quality of my original footage.

I have developed many skills in After effects and Premiere pro in order to create the portal, use green screens effectively and more. I have developed my research skills more than ever before and I now understand I need to research every aspect of it.

As I have said earlier in future on my FMP I will spend a lot more time on scheduling out what I need to do as well as putting more detail into my overall schedule in order to cause less stress due to a rush to get work done because Im not at the stage I thought/had planned to be at.


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