Project Proposal

Project Proposal


Backstory / What is the context of the task, what has happened before? :

What I am trying to create is a Situation Comedy around a world with an Altered reality. This will be in the form of a short-form television series. The part of the show which I aim to create involves a portal with one end inside of a office environment, and the other outside. The project will allow me to develop my Adobe After Effects knowledge. This is important to me as After Effects its a piece of software which really intrigues me with all the possibilities. In the past I have always wanted to use a slightly altered reality environment for purposes of comedy, however I not known how I would go about creating the altered elements. 

Opportunity / What’s the core problem you’re aiming to solve? What opportunity does it suggest?

This project will allow me to gain and develop more skills in Video Visual Effects and most specifically in the software Adobe After Effects. At the same time I will also be outputting a comedic show which will entertain people. It will help me learn more techniques for visual effects, as currently the core problem I have is my lack of expertise in VFX.

Scope / What’s in? What’s out?

The overall scope of the project is a to create a short clip from a short-form TV series which uses altered reality aspects to present comedy. In the clip I am creating it will involve someone discovering a portal and throwing items through it, to hit someone else and provoking laughter in people

Target Audience / Who are they? Where are they? Describe them

My target audience for this mini clip will be quite a large bracket as the idea can appeal to many different age groups or genders. Although a large target audience I will be mainly targeting teens and young adults as I believe they are the generations who will be able to appreciate the use of a portal due to modern video games like 'Portal' which have made the idea of using a portal more widely known. 

Constraints / What are the brand, technology, resource, people constraints? 

This project comes with constraints, like the time I have to complete it. I believe that what I have to do in the project in order to get the items being thrown through the portal would have to not require any re-shoots in order for me to complete this by the deadline.

Assumptions / What are all our current assumptions? Both in terms of the target market and our abilities 

My assumption is that this project will allow for the viewers to have a chuckle and for their days to be brightened with a little bit of comedy. I assume that this project is going to take a little while as I believe the I am going to have to rotoscope the object which is a lengthy process.

Resources / Who is in the core and extended team? What is needed to achieve success? 

In order for me to achieve this effectively, I am going to have to bring in two actors to act (surprisingly). Other than this I will the project will be entirely lead and done by me. This will mean after the initial recording I will not be relying on other people. I have easy access to cameras, audio equipment and drones for the filming so that will not be an issue. 

Success / How will you measure success? Describe the hard metrics of success 

I will measure success by taking notes on how other people react to my clip. If people giggle or even just have a single chuckle, then my video has completed its goal to make people laugh. I will also be watching people's reactions (and listening to them) in order to work out if my portal looks good enough in order to keep people immersed into the show and not of a quality which distracts them from what is going on.

Envision / What does success look like? Feel like? What will you be famous for? Where will this project lead?

To me success is when my final piece is appreciated and enjoyed by other people. If someone enjoys what I have made then I take that as a success. In the future I hope that this project, and many others will lead to helping me get into the post production industry, and hopefully become well known in that space.

